'Installation of %%name%%', 'serviceNotFound' => "The service with ID '%%id%%' was not found.", 'applicationNotFound' => "The app with ID '%%id%%' was not found.", 'install' => 'Install', 'applicationDescriptionNotFound' => 'The file that contains the app description was not found.', 'applicationConfigurationError' => 'The following error has occurred during the configuration of app: %%message%%.', 'noContextFound' => 'Unable to find the website specified for the app installation.', 'noSubscriptionFound' => 'Unable to find the subscription specified for the app installation.', 'scanLinkTitle' => 'Scan', 'requirementsFailedForDomainAndThereAreOtherDomains' => 'Unable to install the app on website %%domain%% because hosting settings of this website do not meet the installation requirements. These requirements are listed below. Try installing the application on another website or contact your hosting provider to resolve this issue.', 'requirementsFailedApplicationIncompatible' => 'Unable to install the app because its installation requirements are not met. Contact your hosting provider to resolve this problem.', 'requirements' => 'Requirements', 'applicationSucessfullyInstalled' => '%%name%% was successfully installed at %%path%%. You can see your credentials for logging in to the application in the Settings section.', 'applicationSucessfullyInstalledNoPath' => '%%name%% was successfully installed. You can see your credentials for logging in to the application in the Settings section.', 'applicationSucessfullyAdvancedInstalled' => '%%name%% was successfully installed at %%path%%.', 'applicationSucessfullyAdvancedInstalledNoPath' => '%%name%% was successfully installed.', 'applicationInstallationFailed' => 'Installation of %%name%% at %%path%% failed. %%problem%%', 'applicationInstallationFailedNoPath' => 'Installation of %%name%% failed. %%problem%%', 'wordpressIsNotAttachedToTookitWhileInstallPackage' => 'Click %%link%% to add this WordPress instance to WordPress Toolkit.', 'httpsContentHint' => 'To provide secure access to this application, install it on a website with SSL support. Such a website address starts with "https". Clear the directory name box to install the app to the website root.', 'someContextsAreHidden' => 'The "https" sites for some of your domains are not listed as available for the app installation because SSL support is not enabled for them. Enable the SSL support in a domain hosting settings: Go to Websites & Domains and click the domain name in the list.', 'someContextsAreHiddenBySameSSLCompatibilityMode' => 'The "https" sites for some of your domains are not listed as available for the app installation because they work in the compatibility mode for the legacy option "Separate SSL and non-SSL content". Turn the mode off in a domain hosting settings: Go to Websites & Domains and click the domain name in the list. Note that turning the mode off is an irreversible operation which will make content of the legacy \'httpsdocs\' folder unavailable on the web.', 'globalSettingsNotSet' => 'Unable to install %%name%%. It requires preliminary configuration by your hosting provider.', 'globalSettingsNotSetAdmin' => 'Unable to install %%name%%. It requires preliminary configuration of server-wide settings. You can configure the app in the Server Administration Panel > Tools & Settings > Application Vault.', );