'Add prefix and underscore to the beginning of database names', 'dbPrefixNone' => 'None', 'dbPrefixUsername' => 'Username', 'dbPrefixExternalId' => 'External ID of a subscription', 'dbUserPrefix' => 'Add username and underscore to the beginning of database user names', 'dbUserPrefixHint' => 'Database user names will look like _. Due to database restriction of user name length, may be abbreviated.', 'grantAlterDatabase' => 'Grant the ALTER DATABASE permission to all Microsoft SQL Server database users', 'grantAlterDatabaseHint' => 'New and existing users will be granted this permission.', 'enableBackupOperator' => 'Enable the db_backupoperator role membership for all Microsoft SQL Server database users', 'enableBackupOperatorHint' => 'New and existing users will be a member of this role.', 'aclRadio' => 'Default settings for remote access of database users', 'aclLocalhost' => 'Allow local connections only', 'aclAny' => 'Allow remote connections from any host', 'aclCustom' => 'Allow remote connections from', 'aclExample' => "thomas.loc.gov\n%.loc.gov\nx.y.%\n144.155.166.177\n144.155.166.%\n144.155.166.0/\n\nThe specified hosts are allowed to access the database on behalf of this user.", 'example' => "For example:\n%%example%%", ];