select()->from($phpsettingsBroker, array('id', 'noteId'))->where("noteId IS NOT NULL AND noteId > 0 AND noteId <= 26"); foreach ($phpsettingsBroker->fetchAll($select) as $phpsettingRow) { $notesBroker = Db_Table_Broker::get('Notes'); $select = $notesBroker->select()->from($notesBroker, 'text')->where("id = ?", $phpsettingRow->noteId); $noteRow = $notesBroker->fetchRow($select); try { $phpsettingsBroker->getAdapter()->beginTransaction(); // reinsert at the end of the Notes table $insertRes = $notesBroker->insert(array( 'text' => $noteRow->text )); // update reference in PhpSettings table $where = $phpsettingsBroker->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $phpsettingRow->id); $phpsettingsBroker->update(array( 'noteId' => $insertRes ), $where); // update row in the Notes table by default text foreach ($defaults as $id => $text) { if ($id != $phpsettingRow->noteId) { continue; } $where = $notesBroker->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $phpsettingRow->noteId); $notesBroker->update(array( 'text' => $text ), $where); break; } $phpsettingsBroker->getAdapter()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $phpsettingsBroker->getAdapter()->rollBack(); throw $e; } } } /** * Disable interfaces in postinstall script * */ require_once('interfaces/InterfacesManager.php'); InterfacesManager::disable(); /*************************************************/ cu::initCLI(); $cu = new cu(); try { correctNotes(); } catch (Exception $e) { cu::print_stderr("Error: " . $e->getMessage()); cu::cuExit(1); } cu::cuExit(0);