'Domain overview', 'ipAddress' => 'IP address: %%ipAddress%%', 'websiteAt' => 'Website at: %%webrootDir%%', 'websiteAtHint' => 'Upload new files and work with current files and directories of your websites.', 'sysUser' => 'System user: %%sysUser%%', 'noHosting' => 'No web hosting', 'forwardingTo' => 'Forward to', 'add' => 'add', 'suspended' => 'Suspended', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'error503PageLink' => 'Edit error page', 'edit' => 'Hosting Settings', 'editHint' => 'This is where you configure website hosting settings and select the features for your site.', 'openSite' => 'Open', 'openSiteHint' => 'Open the website\'s Internet address.', 'previewSite' => 'Preview', 'previewSiteHint' => 'Use this URL to view this website even if it does not yet have an associated domain name.', 'activate' => 'Activate', 'activateHint' => 'The website will operate as usual.', 'suspend' => 'Suspend', 'suspendHint' => 'Visitors will be redirected with the search engine-friendly 503 HTTP code to the custom error document page, although the website will remain hosted on the server. The mail service will remain available.', 'disable' => 'Disable', 'disableHint' => 'The website will no longer be hosted on the server and will be unavailable except by FTP clients and File Manager. Visitors will see the web server\'s default page. The mail service will be unavailable.', 'resellerDescription' => 'Reseller', 'ownerDescription' => 'Customer', 'buttonDescriptionEdit' => 'Edit Description', 'buttonDescriptionRemove' => 'Remove Description', 'popupDescriptionTitle' => '%%descriptionType%% of %%name%%', 'confirmOnDeleteDescription' => 'Do you want to remove this description?', 'buttonDescription' => 'Description', );