'Backup settings', 'prefix' => 'Add a prefix to the backup name', 'comment' => 'Comments', 'splitSize' => 'Create a multivolume backup, volume size (MB)', 'repository' => 'Store in', 'repositoryDescription' => 'FTP storage settings are not specified. %%configure%%', 'repositoryConfigure' => 'Configure', 'email' => 'When a backup task is completed, send a notification email to', 'contentSection' => 'Backup content', 'serverConfiguration' => 'Server configuration', 'serverConfigurationAndContent' => 'Server configuration and content', 'resellerConfiguration' => 'Reseller\'s configuration', 'resellerConfigurationAndContent' => 'Reseller\'s configuration and content', 'clientConfiguration' => 'Customer\'s configuration', 'clientConfigurationAndContent' => 'Customer\'s configuration and content', 'domainConfiguration' => 'Domain configuration', 'domainConfigurationAndContent' => 'Domain configuration and content', 'domainConfigurationVhost' => 'User files and databases', 'domainConfigurationMail' => 'Mail configuration and content', 'content' => 'Back up', 'backupAll' => 'All configuration and content', 'backupVhost' => 'All configuration and content except mail', 'backupMail' => 'Only mail configuration and content', 'suspendDomain' => 'Suspend the domain until the backup task is completed', 'suspendDomains' => 'Suspend domains until the backup task is completed', 'suspendDomainDescription' => 'During the backup process, website visitors will be redirected to the custom error document page with the search engine-friendly 503 HTTP code.', 'suspendDomainsDescription' => 'During the backup process, websites visitors will be redirected to the custom error document page with the search engine-friendly 503 HTTP code.', 'mssqlNativeBackup' => 'Use native MS SQL backup functionality if possible', 'mssqlNativeBackupAdmin' => 'Use native MS SQL backup functionality (For remote databases, make sure you configured the backup settings of the remote MS SQL server in Tools & Settings > Database Servers)', 'localRepository' => 'Server storage', 'localRepositoryPath' => 'Server storage in %%path%%', 'backupNodeRepository' => '', 'ftpRepository' => 'FTP storage at %%uri%% Change Settings', 'type' => 'Type', 'typeFullBackup' => 'Full', 'typeIncremental' => 'Incremental', 'typeIncrementalDescription' => 'Back up web hosting data that has changed since the last backup (mail and database data is always backed up in full)', 'incrementalNotAvailable' => 'To create incremental backups, first create a full backup.', ];